The Perfect Guide to Horseshoe Bend & Upper Antelope Canyon

The Perfect Guide to Horseshoe Bend & Upper Antelope Canyon

September 27, 2017 0 Comments

Arizona is home to many of the most beautiful earth formations and landscapes in the world! Typically, our travel experiences include a beach getaway on an island in the Caribbean, but we wanted to try something different and out of the ordinary. We found just that in Arizona this summer! If Arizona has never been on your radar, then we're here to show you why you need to add it to your travel bucket list. In one day, we visited two major attractions and took a scenic road trip that we will never forget.

Horseshoe Bend

Many from all over the world come travel to Page, Arizona to view this one of kind sight-The Horseshoe Bend. The Colorado River bends around a rock in the center of a canyon forming the shape of a horseshoe. This picture-perfect river was so still and calm-we've never seen anything like it. It was about a half a mile walk from the parking lot up to the top of the canyon. It was hot, but not unbearable as there was a frequent breeze during our visit. Verone did the walk to the top with a strained knee muscle, so if she could do it, then there's no excuse why you can't too lol (Read More About Verone's Bummed Knee Here).

Making it to the top was an accomplishment for the both of us and the view from the top was a fulfilling reward.


Upper Antelope Canyon

The best way we can describe this second attraction is breath-taking. This place is sacred to the Navajo Nation and you leave fully understanding why. Tourists and photographers (amateur and professional alike) all come here to capture this mystical view. The two most popular slot selections are Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon. We chose Upper because we read the walk through the canyon was more leveled than Lower. Walking into the canyon, it is evident that it is perfectly created. The natural beauty of the sandstone all around us was spectacular and humbling.



If you've never heard of The Horseshoe Bend or Antelope Canyons, then we hope we've convinced you to visit Arizona for your next outdoor adventure. We stepped outside of our comfort zone with this experience and left feeling inspired and refreshed. You know the sensation you get when you visit a new place for the first time? Coming here gave us those feelings x's 10! Here's a list of highly recommended tips to help you plan your trip to Page, Arizona:

  • We took this trip during the last week of August
  • We flew into PHX airport
  • We stayed at the Arizona Biltmore, a beautiful resort with restaurants, swimming pools, and a water slide!
  • We used Arizona Scenic Tours for the drive to Page
  • It's a 4-5 hour drive from Phoenix to Page
  • Stay hydrated, especially at Horseshoe Bend
  • For lunch, we ate at Big John's Texas BBQ
  • We used Adventurous Antelope Canyon Photo Tours for our Upper Antelope Canyon Tour
  • We did the photographer's tour of the Upper Antelope Canyon Tour and we were the only guests with our tour guide (you're required to have a professional camera and tripod)
  • Don't sleep on the drive to Page; the scenery outside your window is BEAUTIFUL!

Have any more questions while planning your trip to Arizona? Let us know below or contact us at We're happy to help!

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