Chocolate And Art? Absolutely!

Chocolate And Art? Absolutely!

March 13, 2017 0 Comments

Atlanta got its taste of the Chocolate and Art Show March 10th-11th. We were looking for something different and cool to do on a Saturday night instead of going to the movies and luckily we came across this cool event while searching online. The Chocolate and Art Show was held at the B-Complex, which is a spacious exhibition warehouse about 5 minutes from downtown Atlanta.

To our surprise upon arriving to the event, there were so many people there that came out to support Atlanta’s local art community.


We had the pleasure to meet some of the artists, who had their art on display.

Instagram: @PAXADISE__

Instagram: jacob_wheeler_art

Eating a chocolate covered strawberry while admiring innovative and unique art collections with a full live band to provide the soundtrack for the evening was a sensational treat to the senses.

The Chocolate and Art Show travels to Los Angeles, Phoenix, Miami, San Francisco, and Dallas, so if you’re located in any of these cities visit the following website for ticket info:

We encourage you to attend a local art exhibition in your town if you’re looking for something to do on a Friday or Saturday night outside of the monotony of going bowling or going to a bar.

 Check out more of the art gallery below:


Special thanks to Natily Gonzalez and Moby Arts Team for hosting such a great event here in Atlanta!

“Traveling also consists of exploring the greatness of your local community.” –The Find & Journey Sisters

*If you see an artist's work featured in the article above, tag them in the comments below*

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