Our Miami Horror Story

Our Miami Horror Story

August 12, 2017 0 Comments

When you go on vacation, no one typically thinks anyone would get injured in a way where it basically cancels out the whole trip. Before going to different parts of the world, you're warned to get certain medical shots to prevent diseases or even to protect yourself from mosquito bites to prevent the Zika Virus. As good as it is to be as prepared as possible, sometimes you just never know what could happen.

Well I (Verone) recently had an incident that effected my whole trip to Miami. Crystal and I got an opportunity to go to Miami through her job for training that she had to attend. I came along because I had never been to Miami before. We were going to be there for a whole week, so on the weekends when she was off, we would have time to explore Miami-so we thought. The second day we were there, Crystal went to work in the morning and I went to the gym to work out to pass some time. After the gym, I went back to the room to shower, relax, and watch some movies. After watching Crooklyn, as I’m getting comfy in the bed, my knee twist and POPS. I get up in so much pain and couldn't barely move my leg. It was C R A Z Y! I had to call the ambulance. I let Crystal know and she rushed right to me.

So, we get to the hospital and found out I pulled a muscle in my knee. I couldn’t walk. I had to use crutches. THE WORST. The rest of the week, I stayed in the hotel room healing and doing nothing we planned to do during our trip in Miami. We still were able to enjoy the hotel’s pool and we meet some amazing people. We met two men who were there for their jobs and they told us a story about how one of them broke their toe while on vacation. That made me feel better because if you’re a frequent traveler, some things are just not going to go as planned. It can be something simply as not making it on time to reservation or something more serious like injuring a body part.  

Things happen and no matter how much you try to plan your life, you just do not know what could happen. I’m not sure why this happened to us but the way we looked at it is that maybe we were being protected from something. I had no control over my leg injury and had to just deal with it the best way I could. This was my first time in Miami, but during my time of relaxing so that I could heal, it helped me realized that I have to be easier on myself and relax more especially on vacations. You shouldn’t try to do everything in one day. I know on the first day, we get excited on the new scenery away from home and become eager to explore but we must take it easy. Isn’t that what vacations are about, being tranquil and stress-free? My advice to all the travelers is to listen to yourselves and your body. You’ll be able to do all what the universe allows your time to do. As long as you’re having fun, that’s what matters!

Have you or a friend ever gotten sick or injured while traveling? If so, how did you deal with it? Comment your experiences below!


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