5 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Your BAEcation

5 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Your BAEcation

February 13, 2017 0 Comments

BAEcation (n.) an extended period of recreation with your bae, especially one spent away from home or in travelling.

Planning vacations, whether a birthday celebration, girls’ getaway, or family trip can be an exciting yet overwhelming task. But, planning a vacation with your significant other for the first time can definitely add an extra layer of excitement (or anxiety) than the usual vacation anticipation. To help ease those butterflies in your stomach, consider the next 5 factors before your BAEcation:

  1. If you’re not already living together, then you probably only see each other after work or on weekends. But, during this trip, you are about to spend just about 24/7 together, so keep it short. To not overwhelm each other too fast, too soon, it’s definitely a good idea to start off with a trial weekend, maybe 2-3 days over a holiday, but definitely no more than 5 days.
  2. Compromise is key! When planning your trip, make the decisions together. Choose a destination that appeals to you both, choose activities that you’ll both like, even compromising on choosing where to eat while on the trip. It’s imperative to not get into little quarrels over simple things like whether to go for Italian or Mexican.
  3. Things can get tricky in relationships when money is involved, so during the planning stages of your trip, decide how much money will be spent on your getaway. And, while on your vacation, set a daily budget. Or, even better, go to an all-inclusive resort where the only purchases you’ll have to worry about are your souvenirs.
  4. Romance will come naturally, so don’t force it and just relax. Avoid awkwardness or extra pressure.
  5. Lastly, if embarking on a getaway sounds fun & adventurous, but the intimacy in time and limited space that a BAEcation can bring is something you’re not ready for then, than that’s totally okay. Consider travelling with another couple or group of couples. When you’re not on any group excursions, you can set alone time aside to spend with your special someone.

During your BAEcation, you may experience flight delays or get lost trying to find your hotel, but try to always maintain a positive mindset. Going to a new place together can strengthen your bond and bring you closer together. You’ll learn more about each other’s strength and weaknesses and how you complement each other.

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